How Web Video Can Help Your Business (and Ranking in Google)

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The SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) landscape is changing and Google only wants quality content. Jon Hollenberg talks about the benefits of integrating a web video content strategy into your website.

Video Transcription

Jon Hollenberg here from Five by Five. Another quick video update for you!

The conversations that we’ve been having with our customers in the last few weeks are all revolving around SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Essentially, our clients want their websites to be appearing at the top of Google, and they’re asking how they can go about doing that.

This is becoming increasingly difficult.

Google have done big change in the last year and this has been progressive. Essentially they have culled all the deadwood, all the over-manipulated websites and they’re focusing on “Quality Content”. So what does that mean for you as an end-website owner? Well, you basically need to produce good quality content that is specific to your industry or your business. Video, just like this, is a great way of doing that.

To give you example of different videos; if I was selling tractors, I could be reviewing every single tractor in my range. If I have a pizza shop, I could be reviewing new additions to the menu. Or if I worked in the travel industry I could providing information on the different airline carriers.

News based systems work.

News gives you the permission to communicate with your prospects, customers, post-costumers about changes in your industry or your business. Position yourself as an educator, and your building a really strong brand authority because you are consistently delivering good value. The end result should be more profits, more enquiries, people come to you rather than you have to push your message on people all the time.

We have a done for you service that can help you put together videos. We can help you with the syndication, so getting that out to your different social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Linked In. We can post it on your website and distribute via email marketing to your list.

Need help with your content strategy? Please Contact Us

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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