3 Steps To Website Success – Presentation At Inspire CA

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What a rush….

Last week I had the pleasure of presenting to around 60 people at Inspire Cafe as part of their “Inspiring Breakfasts” series.

Speaking in public is a platform I am really trying to do a lot more of. Like mastering anything in life, there is an element of fear of the unknown when you don’t have a lot of experience.

I see the power of harnessing this skill in business as it has so many upsides including:

  • 1 to many style education & selling
  • Building myself as an authority
  • General confidence booster

There is a funny thing about doing a speech.

By standing in front of an audience and teaching someone it actually forces you to OWN the subject matter. Pretty logical when you think about it. You had better be convincing otherwise it will come across wishy washy.

Win, win really. It forces me to learn. And other people benefit from my knowledge.

A few nerves to start off with but the morning went off without a hitch.

Jon Hollenberg

The presentation was very well received. The earth didn’t open up and swallow me whole. I didn’t freeze. None of the worst case scenarios your mind runs through in the lead up to presentation actually happened. Instead, people were interested & engaged and gave good feedback.

The final outcome was a bunch of people purchased my book & engaged me in a website strategy session to dig deeper on their websites.

I have some polishing to do in terms of my speaking style and flow but this was a great start. I will certainly be hunting for more of these types of opportunities.

Below are my notes & details of the presentation:

3 Steps To Website Success


3 Steps To Website Success

My name is Jon Hollenberg and I own a web design business called Five by Five.

We specialise in identifying the true character and brand of our clients.

Then we build a high converting websites that bring in more leads to that business.

I have been doing this for 17 years and have delivered over 1,000 websites for iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus many smaller businesses Australia wide.

In most cases they need to boost leads and enquiries through their website.

So what they want, And what they get are more of the right people who are ready to buy…right now.

Eat Your Own Dogfood

Today I will share with you the 3 biggest things that is having an impact on my business.

Because I am big believer in eating your own dog food.

If it isn’t working for me, why would I share with you?

Can I have a show of hands who has a website?

Keep your hands raised if your site has been updated in the past 3 months.

You see, Google want nothing but great content!


1 year ago Google released their algorithm call Hummingbird. A hummingbird is “nimble” and “accurate”.

Semantic search – understanding the true meaning of what someone wants

The meaning of search is more important than the exact words composing the query.

The end result – Google wants you to be helpful.

If you create great content, answer questions well, and provide resources that real people love, Google will reward you.

Build Awesome Web Content

Make Content That Matters

Once upon a time there was a very talented seamstress named Tania

And every day Tania created beautiful, hand crafted bridal wedding accessories like veils, purses and garters.


Tania would do this on the kitchen table every night after returning home from an office cubicle where she spent her day working for a government department.

Tania’s dream was to no longer work for Mr Abbott in her admin job.

Instead she wanted to spend her days surrounded by lace, bobby pins and thread.

So Tania setup a website.

But not just any website, a site that shares her passion for beautiful things.

You can imagine starting out in the bridal industry is tough. Paying for advertising is dizzyingly expensive.

A small bootstrapping start up hasn’t got a lot of advertising budget to go around.

Tania spent all her time sharing her love of bridal accessories writing countless detailed blog posts, taking beautiful imagery and building herself as the leader in her field.

Meticulously documenting everything in her world that inspired her creativity through her writing, images and video.

Percy Handmade Blog

Tania quickly became the authority in all things bridal accessories and shared her wealth of knowledge.

Fast forward 2 years on, her website now:

  • Generates significant monthly sales
  • Tania is seen as a leader in the bridal industry
  • She is asked to regularly contribute to other notable publications and blogs

Tania Happy

Tania left her office cubicle 6 months ago.

And now does what she loves day in day out.

Sharing with brides on their most memorable days of their lives.


Dangle A Carrot

I have written a book Love at First site – how to build the website of your dreams.

This has been my life for the last 12 months and I am really proud to present it to you today.

  • Seems a little counter intuitive
  • So why would you give anything away for free? Especially something valuable?
  • You want to build a list
  • And the only way someone will give away their email address if there is something in it for them
  • Here are some examples
    • Free audio book
    • Free course
    • Free e-book

Tell A Story

Tell Your Story

  • Why do you get out of bed every day and do what you do?
  • Video is such a great way to look your prospects in the eye and tell them what you do
  • It breeds trust and familiarity
  • You are in plain view for everyone to see
  • It is a very leveraged way of selling


That is what a well designed site packed with plenty of content can do.

It changes peoples lives.

Gives them the freedom to do what they love.


What gets me out of bed every morning?

I love technology. I am nerd and have always been one. Pulling computers apart and putting them back together.

I operate at the intersection of of TECHNOLOGY and FREEDOM.

Because that is what the internet does. Gives freedom and opportunity to entrepreneurs like you and I to reach an audience that would otherwise be impossible.

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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