7 Steps to Winning the Internet (Building an Awesome Site That Gets Found in Google)

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We all do it – from searching for that fast, healthy mid week dinner recipe idea to finding a trusted local Tradie, the first place we go to find what we’re looking for is Google.

Every single day, hundreds of thousands of people jump online to search for businesses exactly like yours – so it makes sense to do everything you can to be listed at the top of Google’s search results.

But with new players and disruptors entering the market in any given industry, the goal of claiming a share of the Google results pie can seem like an almost impossible task.

However, the established business need not fear. So long as you are delivering value in the marketplace, tour years of experience (your battle scars and grey hair are truly an asset) and you follow these 7 key steps in the website design process, if done correctly, will ensure the motivated business owner not only builds a beautiful website but gets found by Google.

1. Having the right mindset and strategy

You are sitting on a mountain of knowledge which needs to be shared with the world in the form of great quality content focused on your business or industry. Business owners need to understand that Google only wants great content. Based on this premise, we can formulate a strategy for success focused on market leadership.


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2. How to select the right partner to help implement your website

You’re busy. And, while you’re an expert in your field, you probably don’t have the time or expertise to build a great website yourself. Sure, you might have a 14-year-old nephew who knows HTML, but deep down you understand that building a website requires a very specialist set of skills. Enter the web designer. But no two web companies are the same – some are horrible; some are great. Selecting a good digital agency as a strategic partner can be difficult and fraught with danger. However, knowing the right questions to ask can save you lots of heartache (and money) further down the track.

Check out these articles to dig deeper:

3. Selecting the right tools for the job

With so many platforms and different opinions it can be difficult to source the best tool for the job. The key is to use an open-source content management system (CMS) that is easy to use and doesn’t lock you into any one provider. This step will give you the ins and outs of the best CMS on the market, so you can rest assured that you’re on the right path.


Check out these articles to dig deeper:

4. The importance of visual design

People form an opinion about a company based on the signals it conveys. On the web, the window of opportunity is limited, with visitors choosing whether to stay or move on in less than three seconds. Good design is good for business and, in a competitive online environment, you have to make an impact.


Check out these articles to dig deeper:

5. Content, content, content

A website gives you a platform to create and distribute content at virtually no cost. Google only wants great quality content and rewards websites that take the time and effort to educate around their respective products and services. This pulls prospects towards you and positions you as an authority.


Check out these articles to dig deeper:

6. Optimising, promoting and sharing your website’s content

Now that your website has all this great content, you need to ensure it has the best possible chance of getting found by the search engines. Sharing via social platforms, email marketing and Google Remarketing will create other traffic sources for your website. Measuring the success of these efforts is critical to being able to refine and optimise your site in the future.


Check out these articles to dig deeper:

7. Technical checklist

Here you can ensure that your website is given the best possible chance to succeed by checking all technical components are completed, such as installing Google Analytics and Webmaster tools. In addition, you want to protect your investment and ensure you have a backup plan if your website is ever lost, hacked or your web designer falls off the face of the planet. This step will give you that security.


Check out these articles to dig deeper:

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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