Checklist for launching your new WordPress website

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The hard work is done. Your new WordPress website is ready to launch. Below is a checklist to ensure everything you should do, gets done. Please note, each website will vary in terms of features and functionality:

  • Scan the source code of the website to ensure there are no instances of the development URL.
  • Check for any broken links in your site website using this tool
  • Install Better WP Security plugin (or similar) and configure.
  • Remove the default WordPress theme assuming your new site is using a different theme (TwentyFourteen).
  • Check SEO (YOAST) plugin is activated (or a similar search engine optimisation plugin).
  • Ensure all your title tags and meta descriptions are populated and unique for every page.
  • Ensure robots.txt is configured and is not blocking your website (visit for an example).
  • Check to ensure search engines are not being discouraged in the WordPress ‘reading’ settings.
  • Ensure the Google Analytics tracking code is installed and successfully receiving data.
  • Setup goal tracking via Google Analytics.
  • Setup monthly reporting via Google Analytics to send you a report of website statistics.
  • Ensure your site has been verified via Google Webmaster Tools and submit an XML sitemap.
  • Link Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools.
  • Change the WordPress general settings to your email address.
  • Check that there is a custom favicon.ico setup (small icon which appears in the browser tab and address bar).
  • Ensure all your enquiry forms are working and submissions are arriving in your inbox.
  • Ensure a CAPTCHA code is setup on your forms to stop any automated spam.
  • Remove any page/posts that are in the trash tab.
  • Check all blog posts are attributed to the correct author.
  • Check to ensure your site loads in under three seconds using this tool –
  • Take an offsite backup of your website and store locally on your computer or external hard drive.
  • Ensure there are regular weekly/monthly backups being taken and sent to an offsite site such as Amazon S3 or Dropbox.
  • Ensure the ‘admin’ username for the WordPress login has been removed OR changed (important for WordPress security).
  • Test both the ‘www’ and ‘non-www’ versions of your domain name to ensure these are working correctly.
  • Website has been tested on a mobile device.
  • Cross browser and platform (PC and Mac) testing has been completed.
  • If there is online ordering on your site, do a test order.

Love At First Site The above list is taken from my upcoming book, “Love At First Site – How to build the website of your dreams”

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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