5 ways to repurpose blog content

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5 Ways To Repurpose Blog Content

Writing a blog can seem like one of the hardest tasks on the planet. We get it. Our clients struggle all the time.

So, once you have crafted your beautiful written masterpiece, you want to get the most reward for your effort, right? 

We have put together five easy ways to repurpose blog content so that you can make the most of the quality copywriting in front of you.

Repurposing blog content reduces the hard work of having to come up with brand spanking new content for all of your marketing outlets including social media, EDMs, brochures and even other pages on your business’ website! 

But it doesn’t even have to be a blog you wrote yourself, if a copywriter or agency (yes, like us) writes you a blog, repurposing the content can help you get the most bang for your buck. So, if you are one of our Content Care Package clients, this one’s for you!

Social Media Captions

The first, and perhaps the most valuable, way to repurpose blog content is to use small snippets as social media captions. 

Bonus points if you have images or infographics as part of your blog post that you can use as visuals for the other half of your Facebook or Instagram post. 

A blog of 1000 words can easily provide you with at least six opportunities to repurpose sentences, or even whole paragraphs, into the perfect social media education or interest piece.

Service Page

It may seem strange to take content from one web page (your blog post) and repurpose it on another (a service or product page) but it is an easy and efficient way to add more helpful content! 

We are definitely not suggesting you copy and paste an entire blog post, but if you have multiple blog posts on a service you provide or product you sell, then feel free to repurpose paragraphs of your blogs to beef out your service page content. 

This provides more chances to inform and convert your website users and also creates more opportunities for those crucial keywords for SEO!

As they say, Google loves quality content.

EDM Content

Ahh yes, Electronic Direct Mail a.k.a. EDMs – the other marketing tactic that always seems so hard to craft. Well, not anymore! 

Send out an EDM to re-engage those who haven’t clicked in a while and use the introduction of your blog post to entice those who read it to click through and finish reading the entire blog. Be sure to cut off the copy in the email in a way that creates a cliffhanger, so the reader is more likely to click through. 

You can also include educational or interesting snippets of your blog content in your weekly or monthly newsletters, similar to how you would repurpose a blog for social media captions. Remember, always link through to blog so that people can read more! 

Encouraging your EDM readers to click through drives more traffic to your blog, which is a great strategy to promote your blog post and assist with the SEO, especially in the early days of it being posted.

how to repurpose blog content


This is the big daddy of repurposing your blog content. Collate your blogs into an ebook, or even better, a published book! 

Noone throws out a printed book, people value them so highly. If you want to live on the coffee table or bookshelf of your target clients then simply repurpose your blogs into a cohesive book. This is a sure fire way to stay top of mind and even grab the attention of other prospective clients.

An ebook can be a great lead magnet to live on your website or social media profiles. Repurposing two or three blog articles into a free ebook, encourages users to leave their email address to access it and allows you to then further market to them through EDMs.

Print Media

If your business doesn’t just invest in digital marketing, then repurposing your blog content for print marketing is no brainer! 

Blog post content can be turned into copy for brochures, flyers, newspaper ads, billboards, vouchers, or magazine articles… You name it!

Whether it’s a sentence, a paragraph or the whole article, your blog content doesn’t have to remain digital!

Take it one step further and repurpose a video!

Did you know that there is even one level above repurposing a blog? Yep, repurposing a video gives you so much more opportunity to create content than a blog post.

Here are our four favourite ways to turn a 20-60 minute video into new content for different platforms and channels.


Transcribe the video using an AI service such as Temi and then simply go through and tidy up the sentences so they make sense for written content.

Once you have a blog post from your video, you can repurpose that written content in all the ways above!


Take the audio from the video and turn it into a podcast episode or even an audiobook! Top and tail the audio with an introduction and an outro including titles and viola! 

The audio can also be repurposed for a radio or podcast advert too.

Social Media

Grab a 30 second portion of the video and turn it into content for social media. It’s no secret social media algorithms favour video content! 

Grab a complementary sentence from your transcribed video for the caption and you have a complete social post that takes next to no brain power and promotes your blog post for free!


Upload the video to the blog section of your website with the transcribed blog underneath. You can even add smaller snippets of the video to your service pages or your homepage banner!

The wrap
Blog Repurposing Wrap-up
In summary

While marketing might seem hard and expensive, when you learn how to make the most of your assets, your return on investment can become extremely high! 

Repurposing video and blog content is about working smarter, not harder. There is nothing wrong with being efficient. Trust us, the average person won’t even notice that your content is ‘repurposed’ at all. 

Chances are, your business only has between 5-10 key messages you need to get out to the world. Repurposing content is just packaging those same key messages over and over again for different platforms and audiences. 

If you want to have someone do the heavy lifting for you, then check out our Content Care Package which delivers blogs to you every month for you to easily repurpose. 

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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