Level up your Digital Marketing thanks to the Queensland Business Basics Grants Program

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If you’re thinking of upgrading your digital marketing through website updates, search engine optimisation or premium hosting and support for your current site, there’s never been a better time to take action.

The $5000 Business Basics Grants Program eligible to QLD businesses with expected turnover of $300,000 or less and fewer than 20 employees, is a program from the Queensland Government which… “provides support to businesses to increase core skills and adopt best practice.”

Here’s the kicker though, applications open on May 31st 2021 and close on 30th June 2021 OR when sufficient applications for a competitive assessment have been received. And the word on the street is that the majority of Queensland’s small business owners will be sitting on www.business.qld.gov.au from midnight on Sunday to make sure they don’t miss out.

Yep – if you want a piece of the pie, it’s a good idea to be organised and have your application ready to submit first thing on Monday, May 31st. That’s less than a week to plan your project, get a quote, review and tweak the quote if needed then complete the application process. Eeeek!

Don’t let the tight time frame hold you back though, we’ve compiled a quick ‘fact sheet’ of sorts to help you decide whether or not the grant is worth pursuing for your business, what services we can assist with and what you need to do to secure the best chance of getting the ‘approved’ stamp!

And… we’ll even put a rush on getting a customised quote together for you!

We’ve had huge success with previous clients securing grant funding, so give it a go. You’ve got nothing to lose and up to $5,000 to gain!

Is my business even eligible?

If you can tick all of the criteria below, then YES!

  • have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant
  • have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST
  • have a Queensland headquarters
  • have a turnover of $300,000 or less for the current financial year
  • not be insolvent or have owners/directors that are an undischarged bankrupt.

What can I do with that kind of cash?

The umbrella answer is… “anything digital that helps grow your small business”. This includes updating your current website (design & development), website infrastructure best practice (including hosting, support & maintenance), search engine optimisation (driving organic search), web or blog content (copywriting).”

As long as the intended use falls under one of the below five areas, you should be good:

  1. Training and coaching
  2. Website build or upgrades
  3. Professional business advice
  4. Strategic marketing services (search engine optimisation)
  5. Business continuity and succession.

What do I need to focus on in my application to have the best chance of getting the grant?

In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria found on the official grant information website, based on past experience assisting clients secure a grant the below considerations make a huge difference in your chances of success: 

  • choosing the right supplier to provide the most suitable goods or services at the most suitable prices and in the right time frames for your specific business needs 
  • providing a well documented proposal detailing the activities you will purchase
  • submit a supplier quote detailing who will undertake the project work, description of services, and outline key activities.

How do I apply?

For the potential of receiving up to $5,000 of funding in cold hard cash, the application is unbelievably super straightforward.

Are you ready for it… ? You’ll need to complete the online application form and attach supporting documentation (quote for intended product or service). Yep – that’s it. The hardest part will mostly likely be getting a quote in such a short period from your anticipated supplier.

And… Queue Five by Five to the rescue!

Below you’ll find info on three options we offer that you can cash in on with the grant.

  1. Website upgrade (including website refresh) – we can help make the changes to your website you’ve been putting off….  or planning to do in the near future, now. Even if you don’t have any changes in mind, there are a bunch of cool initiatives we’ve been working on we’d love to chat to you about including custom built scorecards, conversion rate optimisation packages and custom built dashboards.
  2. Search engine optimisation campaign – we can help propel your sales to new heights and dominate your industry with a comprehensive keyword research strategy to drive traffic to your website with detailed monthly reporting and analysis.
  3. Copywriting package – copywriting is a task that can be overwhelming and one that many procrastinate over. Whether it’s ongoing blog post content, a content refresh for your website or a mix of both, we can create a custom copywriting package for your business so you never have to write another word again… phew.
  4. Website support and maintenance packageclick here to view our Website Care Packages. Our package takes care of the hosting, support and maintenance of your current WordPress site so you never have another website headache again. 

In conclusion, even with the tight timeframe to get your application in, the benefits outweigh the time and effort needed to throw your hat in the ring.

We’ll help with the hardest part – getting a solid, credible quote. Leaving you to fill in the form, attach the quote and click ‘send’!

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call or send us an email now

For more info and to apply for the grant: CLICK HERE.

We hope this was helpful! If you have any questions or want some further info on a quote for your application, just sing out. 

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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