Onsite SEO check when launching your new website

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SEO. What mysterious acronym!

What the hell does it mean?

Well, it stands for “Search Engine Optimisation”.  This is the process of making your site more visible in the eyes of Google.

Sounds simple huh?

So why it is there is soooooo much mis-information around SEO?  How can some companies get away with charging thousands of dollars per month for this service?

Every day I get a new, confused business owner saying “HELP! I need SEO on my website!”

Somehow they get stuck in the mindset that SEO is this magic bullet that is going to propel their website to the first page of Google and instantly the leads and enquiries will start flowing in.

This miracle service just plain and simple doesn’t exist.

What does exist is good old fashioned hard work, which when done consistently will result in compounding incremental gains for your site.

“Just tell me how to get to the first page of Google!” I hear you screaming.

OK, it really comes down to:

  • Creating awesome, helpful content consistently
  • On-site factors (the mechanics of how your site is put together)
  • Off-site factors (external factors such as links back to your website)

Here is a post about creating awesome, helpful content.

As for on-site SEO factors, below is the technical checklist we typically run through prior to launching any site.

There are many, many different things Google looks for and these are listed in no particular order. More a compilation of things we cover off on to ensure the site has the best possible chance in ranking in Google.

  • Descriptive title tags exist for each page
  • Meta description tags exist containing an executive summary of the page or post
  • Correct heading structure by the use of <h1>, <h2> and <h3> tags
  • Robots.txt file exists
  • XML sitemap file exists & submitted to Google Webmaster tools
  • The number of HTTP requests are kept to a minimum (this results in a faster loading site)
  • Permalinks are setup & configured correctly (WordPress does this very nicely)
  • No broken links exist
  • Google Analytics is setup & installed on the site
  • ALT tags exist for all images on the site
  • Good coding techniques are used such as no use of inline styles and old HTML tags
  • Technical aspects such as minifying javascript & CSS code to make the page load nice and fast
  • Page caching is enabled
  • The site loads quickly (usually the result of using a good quality host)
  • Site is responsive and displays well on mobile devices
  • Social signals such as sharing widgets and links to social media profiles
  • Breadcrumbs exist on the site

This is no way a complete and comprehensive list but instead a guide to factors that should be addressed.

And I know, lots to do for the average punter.

But a good web designer should be doing this as part of their delivery of your site.

It is certainly worth covering off on these items because more than likely, your competitor isn’t.

For a more indepth explanation of each of these items and a FREE tool that gives you an onsite analysis please visit:

SEO Onsite Checkup Report

Pretty cool service!  

In addition, check your page speed with Google Page Speed Insight tools:

Google Page Speed Insights
Hope it helps.

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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