What Does Google That You Should Too?

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Ok, now being a web design and online marketing service provider I probably shouldn’t be telling you this. But I really believe that our success depends on your success so I’m going to tell you a few interesting facts.

We all know how important a strong online presence is in today business environment. The ease, convenience and speed at which you can communicate with clients, make sales and develop partnerships have changed the way we do business forever.

But as part of a complete and stable marketing program I believe you need to employ all the tools at your disposals and this includes using direct mail. Today direct mail often works hand in hand with your website by leading prospects back online where you have unlimited space to provide information and make your sales pitch.

Even Google uses direct mail. In 2011 Google increased their advertising budget 400% to $213-million USD. From this $21-million or 10% was spent on print and direct mail.

So Google is using direct mail to advertise their online advertising services…interesting.

Of course using direct mail effectively comes back to employing the time-tested direct response fundamentals. Many of these fundamentals will be covered in our emails over the next few weeks so be sure to check your inbox.

One of these marketing techniques is creating a systematic referral program much like the one we have here at Five by Five. If you haven’t heard we offer all our clients the opportunity to make $250 for each and every person they send to us who then becomes a client.

You get paid immediately when they sign on and there is no limit to the amount of times I will pay you.

So if you know someone in need of guidance when it comes to developing an online solution have them call me for a free 30-minute online marketing strategy consultation on (phone number) or forward this email onto them.

In the meantime get started thinking of ways you can implement these strategies to grow profits in your business.

About the author
With over 20 years experience within the web industry, Jon is an expert in online marketing and online growth strategies. Over the last ten years he has worked with iconic brands such as Qantas, Jeep and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary plus hundreds of other businesses Australia wide. Jon is a published author of "Love at first site - How to build the website of your dreams".
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